Thursday, October 4, 2012

Term 1- Applied Chemistry

Whew, I've been through all of Term 1's work! Yay!

We're going to finish off Term 1 with the "Applied Chemistry" section on my course outline. Basically the "Applied Chemistry" section is there to show you that chemistry has real life applications outside of passing Chem tests and looking good on your WACE.

For Term 1, my course outline just says that we need to know how different types of bonding can contribute to the properties and uses of different household objects. It basically takes what we know about bonding to the next level.

For example, why are wires made of metal coated in plastic? Well, the metal conducts electricity due to all of those delocalised electrons, while plastic, being covalently bonded, has no freely-moving charged particles to speak of, so it's a non-conductor- great for preventing you from getting electrocuted!

There's not really too much else I can explain here, unless you really want more examples. Just think about what the object in question is made of, how it's bonded, and the properties of that kind of bond, and you should be fine.

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