Sunday, March 17, 2019

Cardiovascular Anatomy 1 and 2

A lot of the content in this lecture was basic stuff I've covered many times before. Half the reason I'm writing this post is because I want to productively procrastinate over having to write anything more difficult. Yay.

Identify the major anatomical features of each chamber of the heart and explain their functional significance.
Describe the position of the atrioventricular, pulmonary and aortic valves and describe their function in the prevention of reflux of blood during the cardiac cycle.
Describe the origin, course and main branches of the left and right coronary arteries and discuss the functional consequences of their obstruction in conditions such as ischaemic heart disease.

Outline the embryological development of the heart.

(NOTE: I don't think this was actually covered in the lecture, so this post is going to have wayyyyyyyy more detail than you actually need for this course.)

List cardiac structures that are susceptible to congenital defects.

I'm not sure if this was even covered in lecture either, but this post has a bit about congenital defects:

Describe the differences between foetal and neonatal circulation.

Describe the histology of the heart wall and myocardium.

  • Muscles I and II (tl;dr cardiac muscle is stripy and branched- I think that's literally all we need to know for this lecture)
  • Tubes (relevant for blood vessels)

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