Thursday, January 24, 2019

Cellular Physiology and Function

Describe the cellular level of organisation

It looks like, for this lecture at least, all you need to know about the organisation of cells is that they are surrounded by a membrane and contain many smaller structures called organelles. Each organelle carries out a specific function, and some of them are also surrounded by membranes.

List the main organelles and other major structures of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions

See previous posts: Cell Structure and Mitosis and Cell Biology- Introduction and Energy Production

Develop an understanding of membrane structure and function

There wasn't really a whole lot on membrane structure and function in this lecture. The Cell Structure and Mitosis post probably contains all you need to know for now. However, you can read a bit more information about cell membranes at these posts: Lipids- Membranes as Dynamic Molecular Barriers and Lipids- Membrane Biosynthesis and Asymmetry.

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