Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pharmacokinetics I and II

I have a feeling that I covered a lot of this at the start of PHAR2210, but oh well.

Explain the term “pharmacokinetics” and why it matters during drug use in patients
Identify the 4 processes that control the fate of drugs in the body
Understand drug absorption, the organs at which it occurs, and the factors that govern drug uptake at absorption sites.
Understand the concept of a “prodrug.”
Explain what is meant by the term “bioavailability”.
Show an awareness of the distribution of drugs within the body, and the tendency for particular drugs to accumulate in specific tissues.

Identify the main routes of human drug metabolism and the enzyme catalysts of these processes
Show basic understanding of the consequences of the induction and inhibition of drug metabolism pathways during drug treatment.
Show a basic appreciation of the role of inherited mutations in influencing CYP450 phenotypes.
Identify the organs and tissues which play the greatest role in removing drugs from the body.
Identify three key processes controlling renal drug excretion as well as the major classes of transporters involved in these pathways.

Huh. So it turns out that I indeed did cover pretty much everything from this lecture back in PHAR2210...

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